Neck Lift (Non Surgical)

For a non-surgical neck lift, a consultation with the doctor is the first step, during this time the doctor will determine whether you are a good candidate for a non-surgical neck lift. The procedure can be completed the same day as your appointment, which will take about 15-20 minutes, if you are deemed to be a good candidate.
Your face and neck will be examined by the doctor, who will pay close attention to your facial characteristics, current neck appearance, skin laxity, jawline definition, and any asymmetry or mouth drooping. Your perception of the face and neck will be discussed, as well as your treatment goals.
Along with your post-treatment instructions, the treatment’s potential adverse effects and consequences will be addressed. You will be given a rough estimate of how many “units” of the product are needed to achieve a neck lift.
In addition to having your neck area cleansed with alcohol swab, you will also have pre-treatment pictures taken. The best injection places will then be determined by the doctor. The actual injections only take a few seconds. If this is your first treatment, a follow-up visit will be scheduled two to three weeks after this one to evaluate your outcomes and determine whether any adjustments are necessary. This follow up appointment won’t be necessary for further treatments.
When a patient’s platysma muscles—those vertical muscles that appear when you tense your neck—have significant laxity that can only be tightened surgically, neck lift surgery may be necessary. Because neck lift surgery can leave patients with visible scars, less invasive options are frequently considered first to avoid surgery if possible.
While some patients report seeing results within two days, others may not notice any effect at all for seven to fourteen days. After treatment, you can resume normal activities and work immediately. Under the injection sites, there may be a few small, pimple-like lumps that will go away soon after the procedure.
You will receive a written post-treatment care sheet and an explanation of your clinician’s post-treatment care instructions during your consultation. To ensure that the injectable product remains exactly where it was intended to be after the treatment, it is critical that you refrain from rubbing, massaging, or applying pressure to the injection site for four to six hours. This is important as it can weaken nearby muscles if you rub it or spread it to another part of your upper face, resulting in unintended ptosis or drooping. Follow your doctor’s instructions and carefully read your take-home care instructions after treatment.
Injections for a neck lift are a safe, non-invasive treatment. As with any procedure, you may experience side effects, the most common of which is bruising at the injection site. Asymmetry is another side effect, though it is much less common. If you have visible facial asymmetry, (as majority of people do) your initial results may take longer to show as the face adjusts to the treatment.
Due to the extremely fine needles, we use, there is very minimal pain during treatment. At the patient’s request, topical anaesthetic can be applied prior to treatment; however, this treatment causes very little discomfort, so it is entirely up to you.
Although dermal filler is not specifically used for neck lifting, it can be used in addition to create a balanced profile if there is a significant volume loss in the jaw or chin area.
You can also get fat removed from your double chin if you are a suitable candidate before you have neck lift surgery to make your final result look better. If you have excess fat under your chin, you may need to have double chin fat dissolving injections first resulting in you not needing a neck lift at all.
The treatment needs to be repeated every 4 to 6 months to maintain and this varies from person to person.

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